Cryptocurrency 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing in Digital Assets
This beginner’s guide to cryptocurrency investing aims to provide a foundational understanding for individuals intrigued by the potential of digital assets in today’s financial landscape.
A 2023/24 Perfect Storm Scenario for Financial Markets
Since the great financial crisis of 2008, financial markets have learned to adapt to low rates. The result was market distortions and asset valuations out of touch with solid traditional valuation metrics. Adding insult to injury, people of all walks of life started to do ‘passive investing’ in hopes of achieving fast riches. Unfortunately, 2023 has arrived; it’s going to be higher for longer- the Fed pivot may never come so soon after all!
False Retirement Promises- Why Millenials Won’t Get Their Pensions
Pension systems are increasingly a hot topic for debate in European countries in the aftermath of COVID-19, especially given the systemic trends- most notably population ageing- and their impact on pension systems. The challenge remains, how will pension systems provide financially and socially sustainable pensions in the future? Without significant reforms, pension systems are heading towards a cloud of chaos and uncertainty.
Marketing Gimmicks That Squeeze the Bucks Out of You
You know that feeling when you come home with a “few” bags of groceries and you have no idea how it happened? There’s a high probability that you’ve fallen for at least a few marketing gimmicks. There’s much more, but the end result is one: An empty wallet, oh well.. Here are the most popular and effective marketing tricks that are used in stores.